Father's Day (in Brazil) or Father's Day (in Portugal) has its origin in ancient Babylon, for over 4000 years. A young man named Clay Elmesu cast the first card. He wanted luck, health and long life to his father.
In the United States, Sonora Louise decided to create Father's Day in 1909, motivated by the admiration he felt for his father, William Jackson Smart. The interest spread by the date of the city of Spokane for the entire state of Washington and then became a national holiday. In 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon officially Father's Day
Due to the history, the United States, it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. In Portugal is celebrated on 19 March in Brazil, is celebrated on the second Sunday in August. The creation date is assigned to Sylvio Bhering advertising in the mid-50s, first celebrated on February 28, 1953, feast of St. Joachim, the family patriarch. (day also marks the second day of his godfather the Catholic tradition)
quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011
terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2011
Dia dos Avôs e Avós
Celebration of the Grandfathers and Grandmothers' Day on July 26. And that day was chosen for the celebration because it is the feast of St. Anne and St. Joachim, Mary's parents and grandparents of Jesus Christ.
The date of the feast of San Joaquin has undergone several changes over time. Initially it was celebrated on March 20, associated with St. Joseph and was then transferred to the 16th of August to join her daughter's triumph in the celebration of the Assumption, the day before.
In 1879, Pope Leo XIII, whose given name was Gioacchino (Italian version of Joachim) extended his feast to the whole Church. Finally, Pope Paul VI was associated in a single day, July 26, the celebration of the parents of Mary.
The date of the feast of San Joaquin has undergone several changes over time. Initially it was celebrated on March 20, associated with St. Joseph and was then transferred to the 16th of August to join her daughter's triumph in the celebration of the Assumption, the day before.
In 1879, Pope Leo XIII, whose given name was Gioacchino (Italian version of Joachim) extended his feast to the whole Church. Finally, Pope Paul VI was associated in a single day, July 26, the celebration of the parents of Mary.
segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011
Blessed are they who have friends who have them without asking.
Because friends do not ask, do not buy nor sell it.
Friend us feel!
Blessed are those who suffer from friends, who talk with their eyes.
Why not silent friend, no questions, no surrender.
Friend us know!
Blessed are they that keep friends, who give the shoulder to cry.
Because friend suffer and cry.
Friend has no time to console!
Blessed are the friends who believe in your truth and show you the reality.
Because the friend is direction.
Friend is missing the base when the floor!
Blessed are all friends of roots, true.
Because friends are the heirs of real wit.
Having friends is the best complicity!
There are people who cry to know that roses have thorns,
There are others that smile to know that the thorns have roses!
Machado de Assis.
Blessed are they who have friends who have them without asking.
Because friends do not ask, do not buy nor sell it.
Friend us feel!
Blessed are those who suffer from friends, who talk with their eyes.
Why not silent friend, no questions, no surrender.
Friend us know!
Blessed are they that keep friends, who give the shoulder to cry.
Because friend suffer and cry.
Friend has no time to console!
Blessed are the friends who believe in your truth and show you the reality.
Because the friend is direction.
Friend is missing the base when the floor!
Blessed are all friends of roots, true.
Because friends are the heirs of real wit.
Having friends is the best complicity!
There are people who cry to know that roses have thorns,
There are others that smile to know that the thorns have roses!
Machado de Assis.
Message for Good Friends
Blessed are they who have friends who have them without asking. Because friends do not ask, do not buy nor sell it. Friend us feel!
Blessed are those who suffer from friends, who talk with their eyes. Why not silent friend, no questions, no surrender. Friend us know!
Blessed are they that keep friends, who give the shoulder to cry. Because friend suffer and cry. Friend has no time to console!
Blessed are the friends who believe in your truth and show you the reality. Because the friend is direction. Friend is missing the base when the floor!
Blessed are all friends of roots, true. Because friends are the heirs of real wit. Having friends is the best complicity!
There are people who cry to know that roses have thorns, There are others that smile to know that the thorns have roses!
Machado de Assis
Blessed are they who have friends who have them without asking. Because friends do not ask, do not buy nor sell it. Friend us feel!
Blessed are those who suffer from friends, who talk with their eyes. Why not silent friend, no questions, no surrender. Friend us know!
Blessed are they that keep friends, who give the shoulder to cry. Because friend suffer and cry. Friend has no time to console!
Blessed are the friends who believe in your truth and show you the reality. Because the friend is direction. Friend is missing the base when the floor!
Blessed are all friends of roots, true. Because friends are the heirs of real wit. Having friends is the best complicity!
There are people who cry to know that roses have thorns, There are others that smile to know that the thorns have roses!
Machado de Assis
Friend's Day,
Friend's Day, celebrated on July 20, was first adopted in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Decree No. 235/79 , and was gradually adopted in other parts of the world.
The date was set by Argentinian Ernesto Enrique Febbraro. With the arrival of man on the moon on July 20, 1969, he sent about four thousand letters to several countries and languages in order to establish the Friend Day. Febbraro considered the arrival of man in the moon "a feat that demonstrates that if a man unites with his fellows, there is no impossible goals."
Gradually the date was being adopted in other countries and today, most of the world, the 20th of July is the Friend's Day, is when people exchange gifts, embrace and declare their friendship with each other, in theory.
In Brazil, although not regulated by law, the days of the friend is popularly celebrated on April 18. [6] However, the country also has adopted the international date, July 20, including being officially instituted in some states and municipalities.
The date was set by Argentinian Ernesto Enrique Febbraro. With the arrival of man on the moon on July 20, 1969, he sent about four thousand letters to several countries and languages in order to establish the Friend Day. Febbraro considered the arrival of man in the moon "a feat that demonstrates that if a man unites with his fellows, there is no impossible goals."
Gradually the date was being adopted in other countries and today, most of the world, the 20th of July is the Friend's Day, is when people exchange gifts, embrace and declare their friendship with each other, in theory.
In Brazil, although not regulated by law, the days of the friend is popularly celebrated on April 18. [6] However, the country also has adopted the international date, July 20, including being officially instituted in some states and municipalities.
quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2011
Linking words
First,melt the butter in a saucepan.
Second,add the apple.
After that,mix the cornstarch.
Then,add the milk.
Finally,add the chicken and the mushrooms.
First,melt the butter in a saucepan.
Second,add the apple.
After that,mix the cornstarch.
Then,add the milk.
Finally,add the chicken and the mushrooms.
In front of, next to, between, behind, in the middle
In frot of-a frente
In the middle of-ao meio
next to-ao lado
In frot of-a frente
In the middle of-ao meio
next to-ao lado
Subject pronouns:
Subject pronouns Object pronouns
I me
you you
he him
she her
it it
we us
you you
they them
terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011
Programming the City of St. John Assú RN /
12/06 - Sunday - Dorgival DANTAS - PLASTER ROOM.
16/06 - Thursday - KNIGHTS OF FORRÓ lime-Liner - LUCAS SANTOS.
17/06 - Friday - Liner Muides - WALDONYS.
18/06 - Saturday - Liner tanning - ROBSON BAND AND WOULD.
19/06 - Sunday - Leonardo - Dorgival Dantas.
22/06 - Wednesday - Zé Ramalho - A bruised Bakan - ALVIM FARIAS.
24/06 - Friday - TOCA DO VALE - ZÉ LIMA - CUBAN FORRÓ.
25/06 - Saturday - FRIENDS Sertanejo - FORRÓ PLEASE PLAY.
29/06 - Wednesday - the lining of the 3 - Gilmar do Acordeon.
12/06 - Sunday - Dorgival DANTAS - PLASTER ROOM.
16/06 - Thursday - KNIGHTS OF FORRÓ lime-Liner - LUCAS SANTOS.
17/06 - Friday - Liner Muides - WALDONYS.
18/06 - Saturday - Liner tanning - ROBSON BAND AND WOULD.
19/06 - Sunday - Leonardo - Dorgival Dantas.
22/06 - Wednesday - Zé Ramalho - A bruised Bakan - ALVIM FARIAS.
24/06 - Friday - TOCA DO VALE - ZÉ LIMA - CUBAN FORRÓ.
25/06 - Saturday - FRIENDS Sertanejo - FORRÓ PLEASE PLAY.
29/06 - Wednesday - the lining of the 3 - Gilmar do Acordeon.
17/06 - Sexta - FORRÓ DO MUÍDO - WALDONYS.
17/06 - Sexta - FORRÓ DO MUÍDO - WALDONYS.
sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011
Saint John
The origin of the June Festival in Brazil and their influence
June is the month of St. John, St. Anthony and St. Peter. So that the festivals are held throughout the month of June are called "Ioannina Party," especially in honor of St. John
Johannine The name originated, according to some historians, the Catholic European countries in the fourth century. When it came to Brazil has been modified to Junin. Brought by the Portuguese, was soon incorporated the customs of indigenous peoples and blacks.
The Brazilian influence in the tradition of the party in power can be perceived when it was introduced to manioc (cassava), maize, genipap, coconut milk and also the customs, such as the forró, boi-bumba, the gang and the drum- -Creole. But it was not only the Brazilian influence that remained in the bonfire celebrations. The French, for example, added to the gang, steps and dance inspired by the markings of the European nobility. As for the fireworks, so that grace the feast, were brought by the Chinese.
The dance-of-tape, quite common in southern Brazil, is originally from Portugal and Spain.
For Catholics, the fire, which is the greatest symbol bonfire celebration has its roots in a deal made by her cousin Elizabeth and Mary. To tell Mary about the birth of John the Baptist, and get their help after the birth, Elizabeth started a fire on the mountain.
In the Northeast, there is a tradition that dictates that revelers in groups to visit all the houses are welcome bringing joy. Homeowners, however, maintain a full table of food and drink typical to serve groups. Party goers believe the custom is a way to integrate people of the city. This tradition has been replaced by one big party that unites the entire community around the stage where the prevailing styles of the traditional mechanical and forró.
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Thus came the Feast of St. John
They say that Isabel was a close friend of Mary and, therefore, used to visit each other.
One afternoon, Santa Isabel was the home of Mary and took the opportunity to tell you that within some time, his son would be born, to be called John the Baptist.
Our Lady then asked him: - How do I know the boy was born? - Start a fire big, so far you can see it and know that Johnny was born. Send also erect a mast, with a doll on it.
Isabel kept her promise.
One day, Our Lady saw in the distance, a little smoke and then flames and one red. He went to Elizabeth's house and found the infant John the Baptist, who would later become one of the most important saints of the Catholic religion. This was on June 24. Thus began to be celebrated in St. John the mast, and fire and other beautiful things as rockets, balloons, dancing, etc ...
And by the way, I would also tell because there are these pumps to brighten the festivities of St. John
Well, before St. John was born, his father, San Zaccaria, was very sad, because there was a little boy to play with.
I once appeared to him an angel of colorful wings, all illuminated by a mysterious light and announced that Zachary would be a father.
Her joy was so great that he lost his voice Zechariah was speechless until the child is born.
On the day of birth showed him and asked how the boy wished to be called.
Zachary has made a huge effort and finally managed to say: - John!
From this point forward, Zacharias spoke again.
Everyone was happy and was a huge racket. They were living all over the place.
There was the old Zechariah, looking proud, beautiful little boy who had ...
It was then that invented firecrackers to make noise, so beloved by children, during the June festivities.
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St. Anthony - June 13
Among the saints who are celebrated more during the June festivals, St. Anthony's for sure what else has devotees throughout Brazil and also for Portugal.
This saint, who is usually depicted carrying the infant Jesus in her arms, was actually known as "matchmaker" and it is always invoked to help single women find their boyfriends.
In many parts of Brazil, there are girls who come to do real bad things with the image of St. Anthony in order to expedite their requests.
It is not unusual for young people who put the image of the saint upside down and say they just put him back into position if they get a boyfriend. Also separate him from the baby Jesus and promise to return it after attaining the request. On the morning of 13 different sympathies are held for this purpose. But not only the title of St. Anthony that matchmaker loads. He is also known to help people find lost objects. Vieira, a Jesuit, set well in San Antonio held a sermon in Maranhão in 1663: "If you get sick son, San Antonio, if they require the order, St. Anthony, if you lose the least offal of your home, San Antonio, and perhaps, if you wish your neighbor's goods, St. Anthony," said Vieira. In the Brazilian tradition, a devotee of St. Anthony likes to have his image small to carry it. For this and many other reasons he is considered the "saint of miracles." Even with the tradition that are carried out two kinds of prayer and celebration in honor of Saint Anthony. The first, called "the response, and held when the saint is invoked to find lost things and the second, called" trecena ", the ceremony is dedicated to the saint's day 1 to June 13, with singing, fireworks, food and babies and a bonfire in the shape of a square. Yet there is another custom which is much practiced by the Church and the faithful. All day on June 13th, churches distribute to the poor and lucky rolls of the famous St. Anthony. Tradition says that the rolls should be stored inside a can of food to the assurance that food will not miss all year.
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St. John - June 24
Another very celebrated in the holy month of June This saint is St. John is responsible for the title of "holy party animal", so on June 24, the day of his birth, the holidays are filled with lots of dancing, especially the forró.
In Northeast Brazil, there are many parties in honor of St. John, who is also known as the protector of married and infirm, especially when it comes to headaches and neck. Some symbols are known to refer to the birth of St. John, as the fire, the mast, the fires, the chapel, straw and basil. There is a legend that the fireworks are unleashed in 24 days "to wake up John." Tradition adds that he falls asleep in his day, because if I stayed awake watching the bonfires that are lit in his honor, do not resist, and descend to earth. The fires have dedicated to this holy form of a pyramid with a rounded base. The lifting of the mast to give St. John's Eve evening in 24 days. The mast consists of a sturdy wooden, round, smooth and uniform, carries a flag that can have two formats, the image of the triangle with three saints, St. John, St. Anthony and St. Peter, or box-shaped, with only the figure of St. John of the lamb. The flag is placed on top of the mast. The head of the mast, which is called "captain" should, together with the "ensign flag," responsible for it, leaving the eve of the day toward the place where the mast is raised. Against the tradition that the flag should be placed by a child resembling the features of the saint. The survey is accompanied by the devotees and a priest performs the prayers and blessed the mast. Another tradition is very common washing of the saint, which is made by his godfather, who is paying for some grace achieved. Washing is usually done at midnight the day before the 24 days in a river, creek, pond or stream. The Godfather Godmother receives the image of the saint, and wash it with a bowl, cup or shell. After washing, the godfather godmother to deliver the image that drought with a linen cloth. During the wash is usual to wash feet, face and hands of the saints for the purpose of protection, but tradition says that anyone looking at the image of St. John reflected in the water lit by candles in the procession, will not be alive for the procession the following year.
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St. Peter - June 29
The guardian of the gates of heaven is also considered the protector of widows and fishermen. St. Peter was one of the twelve apostles and the 29th of June was dedicated to him. As the day 29 also marks the end of bonfire celebrations, that day is that there is the theft of St. John of the mast, which will only be returned on the weekend closest. But as the bonfire celebrations lasts a few days, people say that on the day of St. Peter are already very tired and have no resistance to large follies, and the fireworks and the pau-de-grease the main attractions of the festival. The fire of St. Peter has a triangular shape.
As St. Peter is worshiped as the protector of widows, they are organizing the party that day, along with fishermen, who are also tribute to Peter conducting maritime processions.
On June 29 every man who has his name attached to Peter that lighting fires on the doors of their homes, and if someone tie a ribbon on a person named Peter, who finds himself obliged to give a gift or pay for a drink who tied him up.
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The researcher Andrade defines it as "ballroom dancing in pairs, of French origin, which in Brazil is now also danced outdoors in the festivities of June, in honor of St. John, St. Anthony and St. Peter. The participants obey brands dictated by organizing a dance. The traditional companion of gangs is the accordion. "
The GANG DANCE: The gang is danced in honor of the saints Junin (St. Anthony, St. John and St. Peter) and thank the good harvests in the fields. This celebration is important because the farmer is very religious, pious and respectful to God. Dance, celebrate and agradecer.Em almost all of Brazil, the gang is danced by an even number of couples and the number of participants of the dance is determined by the size of space you have to dance. The gang is led by a marker that guides couples, using words Frenchified and Portuguese. There are several tags for a gang, and every year, new commands are emerging, based on national events and creativity of groups and markers.
Commonly used commands are:
BALANCE (Balance) - Swaying the body to the music, setting the pace, without leaving your seat. It is used as a cry of encouragement and is repeated almost every time it finishes a step. When a command is given only for gentlemen, ladies remain in the Springs. And vice versa,
ANAVAN (en avant) - Forward, walk swinging your arms.
RETURN (return) - Back to their seats.
TUR (tour) - Getting around: With your right hand, the gentleman hugs the waist of the lady. She puts her left arm on his shoulder and give a full turn to the right.
Dance to happen you must follow the following steps:
01. It forms a row of ladies and one gentleman. One, on the other, separated by a distance of 2.5 m. Every gentleman is right in front of his lady. The music begins. Balance is the first command.
02. MEET THE LADIES OR "gentleman greeted LADIES" Gentlemen, rocking, the ladies walk up and greet each of your partner, with bow, almost kneeling in front of it.
03. COMPLIANCE OR THE GENTLEMEN "LADIES GENTLEMEN GREET" The ladies, rocking, walking up to greet each of gentlemen and your partner, with bow, gently lifting her skirt.
04. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF NEXT CHANGE The gentlemen are directed to the center. The ladies do the same. With raised arms, turn right and head towards the opposite side. The gentlemen go to the place formerly occupied by ladies. And vice versa,
05. FIRST BRANDS TO CENTER Before the gang, the pair are marked by the. 1 or 2. At the command "First marks the center, only pairs get to the heart, greet each other, again, others do the "step in place. Being in the center, listening to the marker ask swing or turn, run with the pair of opposite row. Listening "to their seats, in pairs. A return to previous position. At the command of" Monday marks the center, in pairs. 2 do the same.
06. GRAND TOUR The lines turn to the right, mend in a big circle. Each gentleman gives his right hand to your partner. Couples stroll in a large circle, arms swinging loose down the beat.
07. CHANGE OF LADY Knights in front, next to the lady next. The command is repeated until each gentleman has gone through all the ladies and returned to his partner.
08. CHANGE OF GENTLEMAN The same procedure. Each lady will pass until the gentlemen carried next to your partner.
09. THE TUNNEL The couples, hand in hand, you're walking in a row. For the couple in front, raises his arms, turned inward, forming an arch. The second couple goes down and raises his arms in an arc. The third couple passes through the two and does the same. The procedure is repeated until all have passed the bridge.
10. ANAVAN TUR The gentle and dance like the gentleman in TUR. After one round, the lady starts dancing with the gentleman in front. The command is repeated until each lady has danced with all the gentlemen and his partner reached.
11. Cow paths Ladies and gentlemen form a single file. Each lady in front of your partner. Following the walk, free arms swinging. Take stock, always walking to the right.
12. LOOK SNAKE Ladies and gentlemen, who were walking to the right, turn around and go backwards, avoiding the danger. Several commands are used for this step: "Look at the rain," Look at inflation, Look round, "Look at the (cite the name of an unpopular politician in the region). The line should go like a snake sliding across the floor.
13. It LIE Ladies and gentlemen walking back to the right. The danger has passed. It was a false alarm.
14. SNAIL Ladies and gentlemen are in a single row. Upon hearing the command, the first in line begins to wind the string, like a snail.
15. DIVERT This is the keyword for the search tab to perform the snail, on the contrary, until everyone straight.
16. THE BIG WHEEL The queue is only now coming out of the snail. Form a wheel that moves, always in hand, right and left as prompted. In this step, we have developments. Listening to "Two wheels, ladies to the center, women go to the center, holding hands. In marked "Two wheels, gentlemen into the reverse happens, the wheels obey the command, moving to the right or left. If the request is" Ladies on the left and "Gentlemen to the right or vice versa, one wheel moves in the opposite direction to the other, following the command.
17. LADIES CROWN Back to the initial formation of two wheels, leaving the center to give. Gentlemen, in hand, lift their arms over the heads of the ladies. Lower arms, then in hand, linking the ladies by the waist. In this position, moving to the side that the marker order.
18. CROWN GENTS The gentlemen raise their arms and the lower, drop hands. They begin to keep your arms swinging, close to the body. They are now the ladies, who raise their arms in hand, over the heads of gentlemen. Lower arms, hands data, linking the gentlemen at the waist. Moving to the side that the marker order.
19. TWO WHEELS The ladies raise their arms, then lowering. Still in hand, without snare gentlemen, keeping the wheel. The wheel of the gentlemen is also maintained. Are again two wheels, moving the waste in the same sense or not, according to the command. Even the counter-order!
20. REFORMING THE BIG WHEEL The gentlemen go back, placing himself between the ladies. All join hands. The wheel turns to the right or left, according to the command.
21. FAREWELL A chosen point of the wheel pairs are formed again, in line, go in a gallop, waving to the crowds. The gang is finished. June Festivals in Mining, after the close of the gang, the musicians continue playing and the space is freed for couples who want to dance.
June is the month of St. John, St. Anthony and St. Peter. So that the festivals are held throughout the month of June are called "Ioannina Party," especially in honor of St. John
Johannine The name originated, according to some historians, the Catholic European countries in the fourth century. When it came to Brazil has been modified to Junin. Brought by the Portuguese, was soon incorporated the customs of indigenous peoples and blacks.
The Brazilian influence in the tradition of the party in power can be perceived when it was introduced to manioc (cassava), maize, genipap, coconut milk and also the customs, such as the forró, boi-bumba, the gang and the drum- -Creole. But it was not only the Brazilian influence that remained in the bonfire celebrations. The French, for example, added to the gang, steps and dance inspired by the markings of the European nobility. As for the fireworks, so that grace the feast, were brought by the Chinese.
The dance-of-tape, quite common in southern Brazil, is originally from Portugal and Spain.
For Catholics, the fire, which is the greatest symbol bonfire celebration has its roots in a deal made by her cousin Elizabeth and Mary. To tell Mary about the birth of John the Baptist, and get their help after the birth, Elizabeth started a fire on the mountain.
In the Northeast, there is a tradition that dictates that revelers in groups to visit all the houses are welcome bringing joy. Homeowners, however, maintain a full table of food and drink typical to serve groups. Party goers believe the custom is a way to integrate people of the city. This tradition has been replaced by one big party that unites the entire community around the stage where the prevailing styles of the traditional mechanical and forró.
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Thus came the Feast of St. John
They say that Isabel was a close friend of Mary and, therefore, used to visit each other.
One afternoon, Santa Isabel was the home of Mary and took the opportunity to tell you that within some time, his son would be born, to be called John the Baptist.
Our Lady then asked him: - How do I know the boy was born? - Start a fire big, so far you can see it and know that Johnny was born. Send also erect a mast, with a doll on it.
Isabel kept her promise.
One day, Our Lady saw in the distance, a little smoke and then flames and one red. He went to Elizabeth's house and found the infant John the Baptist, who would later become one of the most important saints of the Catholic religion. This was on June 24. Thus began to be celebrated in St. John the mast, and fire and other beautiful things as rockets, balloons, dancing, etc ...
And by the way, I would also tell because there are these pumps to brighten the festivities of St. John
Well, before St. John was born, his father, San Zaccaria, was very sad, because there was a little boy to play with.
I once appeared to him an angel of colorful wings, all illuminated by a mysterious light and announced that Zachary would be a father.
Her joy was so great that he lost his voice Zechariah was speechless until the child is born.
On the day of birth showed him and asked how the boy wished to be called.
Zachary has made a huge effort and finally managed to say: - John!
From this point forward, Zacharias spoke again.
Everyone was happy and was a huge racket. They were living all over the place.
There was the old Zechariah, looking proud, beautiful little boy who had ...
It was then that invented firecrackers to make noise, so beloved by children, during the June festivities.
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St. Anthony - June 13
Among the saints who are celebrated more during the June festivals, St. Anthony's for sure what else has devotees throughout Brazil and also for Portugal.
This saint, who is usually depicted carrying the infant Jesus in her arms, was actually known as "matchmaker" and it is always invoked to help single women find their boyfriends.
In many parts of Brazil, there are girls who come to do real bad things with the image of St. Anthony in order to expedite their requests.
It is not unusual for young people who put the image of the saint upside down and say they just put him back into position if they get a boyfriend. Also separate him from the baby Jesus and promise to return it after attaining the request. On the morning of 13 different sympathies are held for this purpose. But not only the title of St. Anthony that matchmaker loads. He is also known to help people find lost objects. Vieira, a Jesuit, set well in San Antonio held a sermon in Maranhão in 1663: "If you get sick son, San Antonio, if they require the order, St. Anthony, if you lose the least offal of your home, San Antonio, and perhaps, if you wish your neighbor's goods, St. Anthony," said Vieira. In the Brazilian tradition, a devotee of St. Anthony likes to have his image small to carry it. For this and many other reasons he is considered the "saint of miracles." Even with the tradition that are carried out two kinds of prayer and celebration in honor of Saint Anthony. The first, called "the response, and held when the saint is invoked to find lost things and the second, called" trecena ", the ceremony is dedicated to the saint's day 1 to June 13, with singing, fireworks, food and babies and a bonfire in the shape of a square. Yet there is another custom which is much practiced by the Church and the faithful. All day on June 13th, churches distribute to the poor and lucky rolls of the famous St. Anthony. Tradition says that the rolls should be stored inside a can of food to the assurance that food will not miss all year.
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St. John - June 24
Another very celebrated in the holy month of June This saint is St. John is responsible for the title of "holy party animal", so on June 24, the day of his birth, the holidays are filled with lots of dancing, especially the forró.
In Northeast Brazil, there are many parties in honor of St. John, who is also known as the protector of married and infirm, especially when it comes to headaches and neck. Some symbols are known to refer to the birth of St. John, as the fire, the mast, the fires, the chapel, straw and basil. There is a legend that the fireworks are unleashed in 24 days "to wake up John." Tradition adds that he falls asleep in his day, because if I stayed awake watching the bonfires that are lit in his honor, do not resist, and descend to earth. The fires have dedicated to this holy form of a pyramid with a rounded base. The lifting of the mast to give St. John's Eve evening in 24 days. The mast consists of a sturdy wooden, round, smooth and uniform, carries a flag that can have two formats, the image of the triangle with three saints, St. John, St. Anthony and St. Peter, or box-shaped, with only the figure of St. John of the lamb. The flag is placed on top of the mast. The head of the mast, which is called "captain" should, together with the "ensign flag," responsible for it, leaving the eve of the day toward the place where the mast is raised. Against the tradition that the flag should be placed by a child resembling the features of the saint. The survey is accompanied by the devotees and a priest performs the prayers and blessed the mast. Another tradition is very common washing of the saint, which is made by his godfather, who is paying for some grace achieved. Washing is usually done at midnight the day before the 24 days in a river, creek, pond or stream. The Godfather Godmother receives the image of the saint, and wash it with a bowl, cup or shell. After washing, the godfather godmother to deliver the image that drought with a linen cloth. During the wash is usual to wash feet, face and hands of the saints for the purpose of protection, but tradition says that anyone looking at the image of St. John reflected in the water lit by candles in the procession, will not be alive for the procession the following year.
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St. Peter - June 29
The guardian of the gates of heaven is also considered the protector of widows and fishermen. St. Peter was one of the twelve apostles and the 29th of June was dedicated to him. As the day 29 also marks the end of bonfire celebrations, that day is that there is the theft of St. John of the mast, which will only be returned on the weekend closest. But as the bonfire celebrations lasts a few days, people say that on the day of St. Peter are already very tired and have no resistance to large follies, and the fireworks and the pau-de-grease the main attractions of the festival. The fire of St. Peter has a triangular shape.
As St. Peter is worshiped as the protector of widows, they are organizing the party that day, along with fishermen, who are also tribute to Peter conducting maritime processions.
On June 29 every man who has his name attached to Peter that lighting fires on the doors of their homes, and if someone tie a ribbon on a person named Peter, who finds himself obliged to give a gift or pay for a drink who tied him up.
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The researcher Andrade defines it as "ballroom dancing in pairs, of French origin, which in Brazil is now also danced outdoors in the festivities of June, in honor of St. John, St. Anthony and St. Peter. The participants obey brands dictated by organizing a dance. The traditional companion of gangs is the accordion. "
The GANG DANCE: The gang is danced in honor of the saints Junin (St. Anthony, St. John and St. Peter) and thank the good harvests in the fields. This celebration is important because the farmer is very religious, pious and respectful to God. Dance, celebrate and agradecer.Em almost all of Brazil, the gang is danced by an even number of couples and the number of participants of the dance is determined by the size of space you have to dance. The gang is led by a marker that guides couples, using words Frenchified and Portuguese. There are several tags for a gang, and every year, new commands are emerging, based on national events and creativity of groups and markers.
Commonly used commands are:
BALANCE (Balance) - Swaying the body to the music, setting the pace, without leaving your seat. It is used as a cry of encouragement and is repeated almost every time it finishes a step. When a command is given only for gentlemen, ladies remain in the Springs. And vice versa,
ANAVAN (en avant) - Forward, walk swinging your arms.
RETURN (return) - Back to their seats.
TUR (tour) - Getting around: With your right hand, the gentleman hugs the waist of the lady. She puts her left arm on his shoulder and give a full turn to the right.
Dance to happen you must follow the following steps:
01. It forms a row of ladies and one gentleman. One, on the other, separated by a distance of 2.5 m. Every gentleman is right in front of his lady. The music begins. Balance is the first command.
02. MEET THE LADIES OR "gentleman greeted LADIES" Gentlemen, rocking, the ladies walk up and greet each of your partner, with bow, almost kneeling in front of it.
03. COMPLIANCE OR THE GENTLEMEN "LADIES GENTLEMEN GREET" The ladies, rocking, walking up to greet each of gentlemen and your partner, with bow, gently lifting her skirt.
04. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF NEXT CHANGE The gentlemen are directed to the center. The ladies do the same. With raised arms, turn right and head towards the opposite side. The gentlemen go to the place formerly occupied by ladies. And vice versa,
05. FIRST BRANDS TO CENTER Before the gang, the pair are marked by the. 1 or 2. At the command "First marks the center, only pairs get to the heart, greet each other, again, others do the "step in place. Being in the center, listening to the marker ask swing or turn, run with the pair of opposite row. Listening "to their seats, in pairs. A return to previous position. At the command of" Monday marks the center, in pairs. 2 do the same.
06. GRAND TOUR The lines turn to the right, mend in a big circle. Each gentleman gives his right hand to your partner. Couples stroll in a large circle, arms swinging loose down the beat.
07. CHANGE OF LADY Knights in front, next to the lady next. The command is repeated until each gentleman has gone through all the ladies and returned to his partner.
08. CHANGE OF GENTLEMAN The same procedure. Each lady will pass until the gentlemen carried next to your partner.
09. THE TUNNEL The couples, hand in hand, you're walking in a row. For the couple in front, raises his arms, turned inward, forming an arch. The second couple goes down and raises his arms in an arc. The third couple passes through the two and does the same. The procedure is repeated until all have passed the bridge.
10. ANAVAN TUR The gentle and dance like the gentleman in TUR. After one round, the lady starts dancing with the gentleman in front. The command is repeated until each lady has danced with all the gentlemen and his partner reached.
11. Cow paths Ladies and gentlemen form a single file. Each lady in front of your partner. Following the walk, free arms swinging. Take stock, always walking to the right.
12. LOOK SNAKE Ladies and gentlemen, who were walking to the right, turn around and go backwards, avoiding the danger. Several commands are used for this step: "Look at the rain," Look at inflation, Look round, "Look at the (cite the name of an unpopular politician in the region). The line should go like a snake sliding across the floor.
13. It LIE Ladies and gentlemen walking back to the right. The danger has passed. It was a false alarm.
14. SNAIL Ladies and gentlemen are in a single row. Upon hearing the command, the first in line begins to wind the string, like a snail.
15. DIVERT This is the keyword for the search tab to perform the snail, on the contrary, until everyone straight.
16. THE BIG WHEEL The queue is only now coming out of the snail. Form a wheel that moves, always in hand, right and left as prompted. In this step, we have developments. Listening to "Two wheels, ladies to the center, women go to the center, holding hands. In marked "Two wheels, gentlemen into the reverse happens, the wheels obey the command, moving to the right or left. If the request is" Ladies on the left and "Gentlemen to the right or vice versa, one wheel moves in the opposite direction to the other, following the command.
17. LADIES CROWN Back to the initial formation of two wheels, leaving the center to give. Gentlemen, in hand, lift their arms over the heads of the ladies. Lower arms, then in hand, linking the ladies by the waist. In this position, moving to the side that the marker order.
18. CROWN GENTS The gentlemen raise their arms and the lower, drop hands. They begin to keep your arms swinging, close to the body. They are now the ladies, who raise their arms in hand, over the heads of gentlemen. Lower arms, hands data, linking the gentlemen at the waist. Moving to the side that the marker order.
19. TWO WHEELS The ladies raise their arms, then lowering. Still in hand, without snare gentlemen, keeping the wheel. The wheel of the gentlemen is also maintained. Are again two wheels, moving the waste in the same sense or not, according to the command. Even the counter-order!
20. REFORMING THE BIG WHEEL The gentlemen go back, placing himself between the ladies. All join hands. The wheel turns to the right or left, according to the command.
21. FAREWELL A chosen point of the wheel pairs are formed again, in line, go in a gallop, waving to the crowds. The gang is finished. June Festivals in Mining, after the close of the gang, the musicians continue playing and the space is freed for couples who want to dance.
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